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Can't find the answer you might be looking for?

Call or email the clinic with any questions or concerns you might have and we'd be happy to help.

Telephone: 519-831-2022

Email Address:

Is a doctor's referral required to start physiotherapy?

No, we do not require a doctor’s referral to book an appointment. Some insurance companies do require a prescription in order for physiotherapy services to be covered by your extended health care insurance. We recommend checking with your insurance company!

What can I expect at my first appointment?

At your initial appointment with us, expect a warm welcome and a comprehensive assessment tailored to your unique needs. We take the time to listen to your concerns, perform a thorough evaluation, and discuss your treatment goals. You can expect a clear explanation of your diagnosis, education about your condition, timelines for recovery and guidance on self-management strategies to empower you on your rehabilitative journey. 

Most times, treatment begins in the first appointment, followed by development and instruction of a home exercise program to facilitate recovery.

What does a pelvic health assessment look like?

At your initial assessment with us, expect a compassionate and thorough evaluation focused on understanding your unique pelvic health needs. We will create a comfortable environment where you can openly discuss your concerns and goals. We are here to listen to as much or as little as you feel comfortable sharing. Through a combination of discussion and examination, we will assess your pelvic floor strength, muscle tension, vaginal wall integrity, and any other related symptoms you may be experiencing. Throughout the process, we prioritize your comfort, dignity and well-being, ensuring that you feel supported on your journey to pelvic wellness.

Pelvic health physiotherapists have the ability to perform intrapelvic examinations both vaginally and rectally, which is considered a "Controlled Act" in Canada and requires specialized training. These examinations are completed in a respectful, shame-free and professional manner. However, if you have questions or concerns regarding the intrapelvic examination, or would like to request alternative assessment/treatment strategies, please do not hesitate to speak with your physiotherapist.

What should I wear to my physiotherapy appointments?

We encourage you to wear comfortable, loose fitting bottoms (i.e. shorts, sweatpants) when your back or any lower extremity joint is being assessed. We encourage you to wear a loose t-shirt or tank top when your upper back or any upper extremity joint (especially shoulder), is being assessed. Feel free to bring a change of clothes if it is more convenient.

Do you accept Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) claims?

Yes, we do accept motor vehicle accident (MVA) claims. Should you choose to submit a claim, there is a specific process that must be followed, as per government mandated legislation. If you have extended healthcare benefits, they are required to be exhausted before your automobile insurance will pay for any physiotherapy treatment. Once your benefits are exhausted (or if you don’t have any extended healthcare benefits), we are then able to bill your automobile insurance company on your behalf for the remainder of your treatment.

Do you accept Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claims?

Unfortunately, we do not accept WSIB claims at this time.

Do you offer direct billing?

Yes, we offer direct billing to most insurance companies. In the event that we do not bill directly to your particular insurance company, we will provide a detailed receipt (either printed or emailed) for you to submit to your insurance company independently. 

What is your Cancellation Policy?

We understand that life can be unpredictable. However, your timeslot has been reserved just for you. A last-minute cancellation or missed appointment leaves a gap in your physiotherapists day, that could have been used to serve another patient. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any charges. Should you provide less than 24 hours notice, or if you miss your appointment, the full amount of the appointment will be charged.

Please note that extended health coverage does not reimburse fees for missed appointments. Patients who are covered through an outside source, such as automobile insurance, must also pay the cancellation fee. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain our schedule and provide quality care to all of our patients.

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